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Types of blood pressure

 Types of blood pressure

1-High blood pressure:

In medical terms, high blood pressure is known as “the silent killer”. According to a survey in America more than 80 million American people have high blood pressure and there is a surprising thing that 16 million people do not even know that they have high blood pressure. It may cause a risk of heart attack and stroke if the disease is untreated. Heart attack and stroke also can occur if blood clots block the flow of blood that goes to your heart or brain. The symptoms of high blood pressure are not shows commonly. Our heart pumps the blood through the connection of veins, arteries, and capillaries.  So if you want to know about your blood pressure you have to consult to your health care provider. Your health care provider may use a stethoscope, gauge or electronic sensor and also a blood pressure cuff to check your blood pressure.

Blood pressure measurement :

Before making a diagnosis the health care provider will take two or more readings at separate appointments. If the reading shows that your systolic is 140 or higher OR diastolic is 90 or higher, then you have high blood pressure. The other care provider may consider that you have high blood pressure if you have the heart risk factors and your systolic is between 130 and 139 OR your diastolic is 90 or higher. If anyone has blood pressure readings above to 180/120, then he/she has dangerously high blood pressure and needs immediate medical care. If the health care providers want to check the blood pressure of children and teenagers, for this they compare the reading of blood pressure to what is normal for the other ones who have the same age, height, and sex.

 Patient Condition:

When the blood pressure of any the person remains high over time, then the person’s heart pumps harder than normal routine and work overtime that takes the man to serious health problems that causes of heart attack, heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure. High blood pressure enhance the work for the heart.

Example :

 For example, any heavily exercised muscle in the body that amplified your heart to control the extra workload. The amplified hearts need more oxygen. As a result, you may feel tired and weak and may not be able to do any work. These are the cause of high blood pressure. There are also some symptoms that show that your blood pressure is extremely high, the symptoms including nose bleeding, chest pain, blood in urine, headaches, confusion, and irregular beating of the heart.

Treatment of high blood pressure :

The treatment of high blood pressure is to have heart-healthy lifestyle changes and to take medicines. The patient shall work with the doctor to come up with a treatment plan, which may include changes of lifestyle and daily routine. The lifestyle-changing such as eating of healthy food and daily exercise that is very effective for the patient. If the patient has daily exercise he/she may take away of high blood pressure. But many times the changing of lifestyle cannot control your high blood pressure. At this situation, you have to take medicines. Different types of blood pressure medicines are available in the market. Some patients have to take more than one type of medicine. If you have blood pressure that is caused by another medicine or medical condition, treating that medical condition or stopping the medicine may control your high blood pressure.



2-Low blood pressure:,

Low blood pressure may seem desirable and do not cause of problems for many people. Dizziness and fainting are caused by low blood pressure for many people. But in some cases, low blood pressure may because of life-threatening.

Measurement :

 If the systolic is lower than 90 and diastolic is lower than 60, which is generally considered low blood pressure. There is a possibility that low blood pressure is temporary or long-lasting. The dehydration to serious medical disorders that are ranged from the causes of low blood pressure. It is very important to find out the causes of low blood pressure so that the disease can be treated at a time. Low blood pressure signals are the basic problem for some people when signs of low blood pressure are drop suddenly or appear. Sadness, confusion, pale skin shallow breathing are the symptoms of low blood pressure. Causes of low blood pressure can be easily determined by blood tests.

Symptoms & preventions :

  • ·         If you have the symptoms of low blood pressure you have to consult to a doctor and needs emergency medical help because they may lead to more serious problems.
  • ·         If your blood pressure readings are constantly low but you feel good or fine, your health care provider will likely monitor your routine exams.
  • ·         Even if you have an occasional sadness or lightheadedness that may case of minor problem.
  • ·         Low blood pressure also feel you tired and dizzy sometimes. In women the circulatory system expands rapidly while they conceive pregnancy, blood pressure remains low.
  • ·         But low blood pressure in pregnancy is normal thing and this returns to pre pregnancy level after given birth. Emotional stress, insecurity stress or pain and dehydration that are cause to reduce blood volume.
  • ·         And body’s blood pressure remains low.  Many doctors thinks that blood pressure too late if it causes symptoms. Some heart problems like low heartbeat and heart attack also leads to low blood pressure.
  • ·         Losing a lot of blood also causes low blood pressure because the amount of blood remains very low in the body. Sudden fall in blood pressure may be very dangerous.
  • ·         If you have low blood pressure symptoms due to medication the instant treatment is to change or stop the medications or lowering the dose.
  • ·         But if the treatment does not exist, then you have to raise your blood pressure and reduce the signs and symptoms. There are also some methods and plenty of natural ways that you can do according to your age and health and your disease to maintain your low blood pressure.
  • ·         Use more salt, drink more water, by wearing compression stocking and use of medicines. To prevent, detect the disease or manage this disease you have to consult to your doctor regularly. Daily exercise is very important to control the blood pressure.




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