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Types of Mental Health/signs of mental health/ types of Mental Health


 Types of Mental Health

Mental health is also called mental illness refers to separate range of mental illness condition-condition disorder that effect on our mood, view of thinking, and our behavior. Mental health include our emotional, feelings, thinking and psychological and social being. It also help to determine how we handle depression, relate to others, and make useful choices.

 For example, some factors could potentially result in a period of poor mental health: childhood depressed by parents, loneliness, experiences and stigmas

.Three mental health disorders are most common in America

1- Anxiety Disorder,
2- Major Depressive Disorder,
3- Bipolar Disorder, and Access Community Health Network (ACCESS).

 There are five warning signs of mental health:

1-       long lasting sadness,

2-       extremely low and high moods,

3-       frequently fear,

4-        worry, or anxiety,

5-       social withdrawal, dramatic changes in eating or sleeping habits.

Mental illness is also called mental health refers to separate range of mental illness condition-condition disorder that effect on our mood, view of thinking, and our behavior. Mental health include our emotional, feelings, thinking and psychological and social being. Example of mental illness include schizophrenia, eating disorder and psychotic disorders.

Here are some types of Mental Health that are mentioned below.

â„¢  Anxiety disorder

â„¢  Eating disorder

â„¢  Personality disorder

â„¢  Psychotic disorders; including schizophrenia

â„¢  Personality disorder 

  Practical sign of mental illness or panic:


First of all we discussed about the anxiety disorder people with this disorder replied to common object or condition with the fear as well as with practical sign of mental illness or panic, such as high level of heart beat. An anxiety disorder is digest of the people response is not accurate for the conditions.  If the person cannot control this diagnosed response, or if the anxiety interest with the normal functioning. Anxiety disorder  also include common social anxiety disorder, and some common phobias.

The second types of mental health is  Mood Disorder is also called effective disorder. The effective   disorder interest in inner feelings of sadness or time period of overall happiness and some problem that create illness to extreme sadness. Mood disorder  include depression, bipolar disorder, and cyclotron disorder.

The most commonly third  type related to mental health is psychotic disorders. The psychotic disorders involves in mental thinking, awareness and ignorance.  There are two symptoms of psychotic disorder are hallucinations-the experience of images or voice sound that are not imaginary, such as listening voice and delusion. Schizophrenia is an example of psychotic disorder.


 Fourthly types of mental illness is eating disorder. Eating disorder is involve in deeply emotions, unusual behaviors, attitudes involving weight and doze. Anorexia nervous and usual eating disorder are commonly used in eating disorders nerve cannot and addiction disorders. People with nerve control disorder are not able to exist in impulses and to perform task that could be very simple and reliable to themselves or others.

Pyromaniac (starting fights) and kleptomania (stealing) are examples of impulse (nerve) controlled disorder. Unfortunately people with this disorder become so inferred with the objects their habits that they start to ignore responsibilities and relations with people.  Personality disorder is also included in common types of mental health. People with this disorder have deeply extreme and inflexible personality characters that are interrupt to person in work, school, and social relationship. In interview the persons view of thinking and behaviors attitude differ from the thoughts of their society. Antisocial personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are the example of personality disorder.

According to the world health organization (WHO) 10-20 percent of children and adolescents worldwide are suffered with the mental disorders. Both genetics and other environmental factors can play very important role in their society, and office level. It may be difficult for parents to behave usually with their child's mental health, but their love, care and satisfaction can play key or vital role in impressing a chides mental health. If they were not treated on time, mental illness can negatively effect on the child life. Digestion mental illness in children often goes undetectable as parent thinking may perceive certain symptoms such as sadness and loneliness to be a part of growing up. For while child suffering from depression may act unusual shutting him/her self-up. Young children do not know how to explain what they are going through.

Another important factor is that stigma associated with mental illness dishonored many parents from reporting or discussed the condition to their pediatrician. It is difficult to say the exact incident of mental health in children, because every time they are not able to uncommon. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) is a common disorders found in children. Those with ADHD diagnosed from attention issues, impulses behavior and hyperactivity. Difficulty in sitting in one place and restlessness are some of others common symptoms of the ADHD. A child may act without thinking and express about the consequences. Schizophrenia is a psychotic condition in which the child is not able to distinguish between imagination and reality of thinking. It characterized by hallucinations, confusion, depression, and thoughts. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the development disorders that effects children thinking ability to communicate and socialize with other children with ASD have unusual behaviors like flapping the hands or rocking. They follow a very strict routine and will be upset if there is any kind disruption there.

For example they may arrange the toy cars motor bike in a line instead of playing with them. If child is diagnosed with mental lines do not be judge him with to stress try to understand that it is the mental illness that compels him to behave in same particular way. Avoid to comparing your child with other children. The increasing of mood disorder in children is alarming with factor playing only a small part. Ensure you spend more precious time to connect with your child. Parent should remember that they have an important part to play in destroyed illness of mental in their children. Unstable mental health can impact not only child day to day functioning but can involve with his overall health and development.


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