Resources for stress and mental health
is old saying:
“Health is wealth” and
it is true.
In this world, everything is done with health. Without health, a man can’t do
anything. A healthy man can work properly and in a better way than ill person.
There are different types of illnesses like a physical illness and mental illness.
Physical illness means; any part of the body is affected and in pain. A man
can’t do anything in pain; he will take some medicine for relaxation. Mental
illness means; the man is disturbed mentally; his mind is not in a stable state.
There are different types of mental illness; this is in the form of stress,
tension, anxiety. In these conditions, man’s mind cannot work in perfect
manners. They are disturbed and release their frustration on other peoples.
These are the different phases of mental illness.
that is the kind of mental illness, which is defined as; stress is a feeling of
emotional or physical tension. Stress can come from any event or thought that
can actually exist in life. This stress can feel you frustrated, nervous and
angry. But mostly we saw anger and frustration in this phase which take place
in our surroundings.
behavioral symptoms of stress are;
not eating or eating too much.
your responsibilities.
use of alcohol or drugs.
biting and pacing (walking steadily).
in an angry mood.
are the different symptoms of stress. In the first situation when people in
stress either not eating or eating too much which means some people not eating
in stress and some people eating too much in stress. They avoid their
responsibilities always show their anxiety. They increase the use of alcohol or
drugs. They biting their nail and pacing which means walking steadily. They
mostly sleeping. They always show their anger on other peoples.
are different resources for stress. People can reduce their stress by deep
breathing, yoga, and different medication that is instructed by a physician. Deep
breathing and yoga is the best way to reduce stress. Deep breathing means breath
in or breath out, when a person is in stress he takes a long breath in or out. Yoga
is another way to reduce stress. They want to spend most of their time in nature.
Because natural things reduce more stress. They must spend their time watching
a comedy, listen to music. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help you manage stress.
They want to eat healthy food. Working out is one of the best ways to reduce stress.
Exercise is the best way to relax your body and mind. Take a peaceful sleep of
8-10 hours. Also taking a bubble bath. Reduce the use of alcohol and drugs. Spend
their time with family and friends. Maintain a positive attitude to avoid negative attitudes. Identify things that cause stress. You don’t have to fill
your time with tasks and activities. select time to a hobby you love. Read a
book, gardening, painting etc.
food reduces stress. There is some food that is recommended for stress relief.
These foods are banana, yogurt, avocados, carrot, and fatty fish. These things
is used for stress. There are some fruits that reduce stress. These are
oranges, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits. Vitamin C is a powerful
antioxidant used to relieve stress. Warm milk and tea is also used in
stress. And also take some dry fruit.
are different resources that is used to prevent mental health. They must
visit their psychiatrist he will help to diagnose and treat mental health
conditions. The psychologist diagnoses the problem and recommended a better
solution. The patient shares their problem, grief with psychologists and feel
better. There are different ways to reduce stress and improve mental health.
if you have any doubt please let me know